Thursday, 27 January 2011


Last night's ten o'clock news on the beeb showed the Taliban's grip on Afghanistan.

Viewers watched clips of a woman being stoned to death for adultery. When she didn't die, she was shot.

All we saw were glimpses but - trust me - it was enough.

To think that we share a planet with people who believe that it's right and OK to stone another human being for the 'crime' of adultery isn't just frightening, it's inconceivable.

We know this and many of those who live under the Taliban's rule know this.

So aren't we lucky to live in a country like Blighty where we can say what we want.

Or can we?

The Anglican bishop who was forced to recant his thoughts last year regarding the marriage of William and Kate will be forever haunted by his public slapping down.

And what did he say that was so terrible? All he said was that he didn't think it would last.

Ungracious perhaps but did he really deserve his verbal stoning?

Look too at the fate of Sky's er, former sports presenters Richard Key and Adam Gray. Their comments weren't flattering but did anyone die?

Whilst denouncing the inhumane in other countries, we need to make sure that we're not heading that way ourselves.

Don't get me wrong, every arsehole deserves to get their comeuppance.

If someone is insulting you and making you feel bad simply because they can, you will live for the day when life dishes to them the exact same treatment, but we have to allow ourselves to be human.

Because if we don't we might one day get bitten on the bum (or worse) by the very things we've agreed to.

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